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③相手の誕生月のカードを持っていたら ’Happy Birthday!Here you are’と言って、カードを渡します。相手は’Thank you’とお礼を言います。もし、カードがなければ、会話は終わり、カードは渡しません。その後、交代します。


How to use:


  • Give 3-5 cards to each student. The students should check that they don’t have any cards with their birthday month. If they do, give them a different card.

  • Students make pairs and play janken. The winner asks ‘When is your birthday?’ and their partner responds with ‘My birthday is ______.’

  • If the student has a card with their partner’s birthday month then they give them that card, and say ‘Happy Birthday! Here you are’. Their partner responds with ‘Thank you!’. If they don’t have a matching card then the conversation is over and don’t exchange cards. Then change roles.

  • When the time is finished, students should count how many birthday presents they received. Do not count cards that don’t have their birthday month on it. The winner is the student with the most presents.

Birthday Present Card Game

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