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Contains 1 table card, 6 main, 6 side, 6 dessert, 6 drink and 6 bonus cards.


How to play:


1. The goal is to make a balanced meal of 15 or less points.

2. Make a group of 3-4 students. Shuffle all the cards and put face down on the table.

3. Take turns taking a card from the pile. Each time saying 'I'd like ____.' 

4. The color of the border matches the type of card. Red = bonus, yellow = main, blue = side, purple = dessert, and green = drink.

5. Take 1 card and put in the correct space. For example a pizza card would go on the main space. However, if the player already has a card in the space on the table card, they cannot use it, so put that card on the table in a new pile. Then the next player takes a card from the pile.

6. Players continue taking cards until they have 1 main, 1 side, 1 drink and 1 dessert. When they have all 4 of those cards they cannot take any more. They do not need to have a bonus card.

7. When all players have the 4 cards they need the game is over.

8. Count points to see which players could make a balanced meal. The lowest score is the winner.

Can you make a balanced lunch? Card Game

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