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There are 44 cards. 22 animal cards, 11 food cards and 11 habitat cards.


How to play:


1. Make 3 card areas - animal cards, food cards and habitat cards. Put all cards with the backside up, so that the picture can't be seen.

2. Make a group and decide the order.

3. The player flips 1 animal card and says 'I'm a (bear).' Then flips a food card saying 'I eat (nuts).' If the animal and food match, the student keeps the cards.

4. Then the same student flips another animal card as above, then flips a habitat card saying 'I live (in the forest).' If the cards match then the student keeps the card.

5. If the cards don't match, turn them back over. Then the next student tries to match food and habitat with the animal cards.

6. The student with the most pairs of cards is the winner.

Card Matching - Food and Habitat

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