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Students will make a shop at a Japanese festival. This lesson should take place over 2 lessons. 1 lesson for preparation and 1 for doing the roleplay.


How to play:


1. Make pairs or groups. Students will choose 3 food or drinks they want to sell at their festival shop. They also need to choose a name for their shop, too.

2. Students will draw a picture of the food and write the name and price on the menu. The price for each food shouldn't exceed 1000 yen.

3. Students should draw (best to use tablets, so students can copy the picture easily. As well as easy for the teacher to print) the food or drinks they are going to sell at their store.

4. The teacher should then print and copy lots of copies of the drawings so students can sell.

5. It's roleplay time. Move the desks to make a open space in the classroom. The desks will be the different shops. Divide class into shop owners and customers.

6. Give students money (from Festival Shop Roleplay - Money). Each student will receive 2000 yen. When they use all of the money their turn is over.

7. The shop owners will ask 'What would you like?' The customer will reply 'I'd like (takoyaki). How much is it?' The owner will say the price 'It's (500) yen.'

8. The customer will give the money or send it via tablet. The shop owner will give students the food card.

9. Shops close when they sell all their food. Who earned the most money?

Festival Shop Roleplay

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