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I recommend using 2 lessons to do this activity. Final 20 minutes of 1 lesson to make the quiz. Then do the quiz in the next lesson.


How to use:


1. Students make a quiz about a person of their choice. It can be a famous person or a teacher or friend.

2. Students write using 'he' or 'she'.

3. The first hint is that person's job. For example, 'He is a teacher.'

4. Next is their personality. 'He is kind.'

5. Last is something they can do. 'He can play soccer well.'

6. Write the name of the person on the back side of the paper.

7. If there is time, add pictures above each hint.

8. It's quiz time. Students make pairs and give the hints to their partner. Write the name of the partner's hero and whether they could guess correctly or not, O / X.

9. The student with the most O is the winner.

Let's make a hero quiz

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