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Contains 6 school event cards and 6 activity cards.


The goal is to match the event card with the activity card. The color of the border around the picture should be the same.


school festival / singing, camping trip / barbecue, school trip / castle, sports day / running, swimming meet / swimming, field trip / cars.


How to play:


1. Make a group. Put event cards on left side of table and activity cards on the right. All cards should be face down.

2. Students take turns. First choose an event card and read what is on the card. For example 'My best memory is the sports day.' Then choose an activity card and read what is on the card, even if it doesn't match. For example 'I enjoyed running.'

3. If the cards match then the student takes both cards and can choose again. If the cards don't match then put the cards back, and the next player takes their turn.

4. The student with the most pairs is the winner.

Let's play - Card Matching

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