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Contains worksheet and T-shirt cards.


How to use:


1. Students first select what kind of t-shirt they want - size, color and price.

2. Next students fill in the blank spaces with the phrases 1-4.

3. Give students 3-4 t-shirt cards.

4. Make a pair and play janken. Winner is customer, loser is clerk. Follow script of worksheet. When clerk says 'How about this one?' they shoud choose 1 card and show it to the customer.

5. If the t-shirt matches what the customer wants, just continue the conversation. However, if there is a problem with the size, color or price. Use the options at the bottom of the worksheet. Only choose 1, don't do all.

6. The clerk should try to show a more appropriate t-shirt. If the customer likes the t-shirt, then give it to them. If they still don't like it then the customer leaves without buying a t-shirt.

Let's Talk 4 - T-shirt Shopping

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