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These worksheets are to be used with 'Let's Try - World Timetables'


How to play:


1. First distribute 1 'Let's Try - World Timetables' worksheet printed on B4 to A3 size paper, to each group. Each group should have 3-4 students.

2. Students should look at the timetable and notice similarities and differences between them and Japanese ones.

3. Then give each group one 'Let's talk about World Timetables' worksheet. So each group has one worksheet with 2 countries. Make sure that they have different countries to the B4/A3 sized worksheet.

4. The group of 4 should split into 2 pairs. 1 pair will stay at their desks and teach other visiting pairs about their country. Whereas the other pair will go to one of the country groups on their worksheet to fill in the missing information.

5. When they go to the group, the pair should ask 'What do you have on _____?' for the missing day. The sitting pair of students will answer by saying 'We have _____, _____, on ______'. The students should write down the answers as they are read out.

6. When finished return to the original group. Wait for all other groups to finish. Then change roles. The previous sitting group will now go and find the information for the 2nd country on the worksheet, while the pair that went before sits and answers the question to other students.


Let's talk about World Timetables

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