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Contains 2 worksheets with different activities to ask about.

How to use:

1. The goal of this activity is to find 12 classmates who are good at the various activities on the worksheet. However, you can only write the name of the classmate once.
2. Students make pairs and play janken. The winner asks their partner 'Are you good at ___?' If their partner responds with 'Yes, I am' then they write their name in the space under the picture and the conversation ends. If they answer 'No, I'm not' then they don't write anything and ask the same question for a different activity. They continue asking until they find something that their partner is good at. If their partner doesn't say 'Yes, I am' to any of the questions, then unfortunately their name can't be written on the worksheet.
⚠️ Students can only write one name of a student in each space. The goal is to find 12 students, one for each activity.
3. Students then change roles.
4. After the time ends, the teacher should check to see what students are good at the activities on the worksheet.

Find someone who is good at...

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