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Contains pictures for restaurant, hospital, park, convenience store, department store, farm, cake shop, candy shop, library, bookstore, stadium, onsen, castle, sea, lake, river, zoo, amusement park, mountains, movie theater, office, museum, pool, school.


Use with 'Make a dream town' 'Background 1 and 2'.


How to play:


1.  Make a group of 3 to 4 students. Each chooses a background card.

2. Decide order. Place building and nature cards face down in middle of table.

3. Students take turns taking one card at a time. They should say 'We have a ______.' when they turn over the card. Then place it anywhere on their background card.

4. Each student should take 4 cards, so go around the group 4 times.

5. When all students have 4 cards on their background card, the students should choose who has the best town.

6. Then remove cards, choose a new background card and play again.

Make a dream town - Building and Nature

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