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How to play:


1. Students choose a club or team that they want to join. Then students choose an action that matches their club. For example, soccer team + kick a ball.

2. Students need to find enough club members to make the club. For example a baseball team has 9 players so a student will need to find 9 people to join their team. Students can join as many clubs or teams as they like.

3. Make a pair and play janken. The winner says 'I want to make (a soccer team)?' 'Can you (kick a ball)?' If their partner can do that say 'Yes, I can.' The winner then asks 'Please join my (team).' Their partner signs the 'sign up sheet' on the back of the worksheet. Then change roles.

4. If the partner can't do it, say 'No, I can't.' The winner says 'Sorry. Good luck!'. Don't sign the worksheet. Then change roles.

5. When students find enough classmates to make their club or team, go to the teacher and have them stamp the square next to '担任の先生'.

Making a School Club

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