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Students will make a graduation album page of their best memory from elementary school.


How to use:


1. Students should choose a school event that is the best memory from elementary school. Then write the following sentences about it.

       'My best memory is (sports day).

        I enjoyed (running).

        It was (exciting).'

2. Students should then use a photo of that event, an illustration or drawing and put in the middle of the page.

3. Students make pairs and play janken. Winner introduces their best memory, saying the 3 sentences they wrote. Then change roles.

4. When both students have finished they will write a graduation message on their partner's page. They can write things in Japanese or English. For example 'Congratulations on graduating!', 'Good luck in junior high school!', 'I'm cheerinf for you!', 'Thank you for ____ years', etc.

My Best Memory - 卒業アルバム

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