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How to use:


1. Students will make a poster about one of their classmates.

2. First students should write their personal information on the slip of paper - birthday, something they can do, what country they want to go to. Then collect the paper and give to random students.

3. Students will make a poster about the student's information they received.

3. Students should trace and write the sentences. They should also add the personality of the classmate. Draw or include pictures. Make the poster colourful and pretty.

4. While students are making the poster. The teacher should take photos of the students individually. Send or print the photos so students can add it to the back side of the poster.

5. It's Quiz Time! Students present the poster to their classmates in pairs. Read the information on the worksheet. Write whether they were able to guess correctly using O or X.

My Classmate Poster Quiz

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