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How to play:


1. Students choose one of the 8 options for their favorite place at school. 

2. For シルエットクイズ draw a silhouette of an object found in the student's favorite place.

3. First, place シルエットクイズ. Make a pair and play janken. Winner shows the drawing and asks 'What's this?' The partner has to guess what place it is from. Write the name of the student and O or X depending on whether they were correct.

4. Next play Map Quiz. Students make a pair and play janken. Winner chooses either star or heart as starting point. Then give directions like 'go straight' or 'turn right' to their favorite place. Their partner follows the directions to their favorite place.  Write the name of the student and O or X depending on whether they were correct.

My favorite place - Quiz

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