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Contains 2 picture cards and 20 mini cards.


How to play:


1. Make a group of 3 to 4 students. Each group will get 2 picture cards (zoo and fruit & vegetable shop) and 20 mini cards. Place the picture cards face up and shuffle the mini cards, and put face down.

2. One student takes a mini card, but doesn't show other students. The other students ask 'What's this?' The student with the card says 'It's a (koala).' The other students quickly point at the (koala) on the picture card. The fastest student is the winner and gets the card (1 point).

3. Then the next students takes their turn. Continue until all cards have been used. The student with the most cards is the winner.

4. To make it more challenging the students could close their eyes until the 'It's a (koala).' is called.

Pointing Game - What's this?

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