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The famous board game 'Battleship' but in space!


Contains 2 worksheets - blue and orange


How to play:


1. Students get 1 paper each with either the orange or blue team. Write any 5 English words, 1 for each spaceship. 5 letters for Home Base, 4 letters for cruiser and carrier, 3 letters for fighter and scout.

2. Then write those 5 words anywhere in the 'My Team' grid in either horizontal or vertical positions.

3. Play janken to decide which player will go first.

4. Take turns choosing squares on the grid. For example, 'A-4' If part of the other player's spaceship is in that space they should say 'hit'. Tell the player what letter of the spaceship was found so they can write it in the 'Other Team' grid. If there is nothing in that space then the other player should say 'miss'. Draw an X in the space.

5. Both players should take notes of their hits and misses so they know how many ships remain for both players.

6. A spaceship is destroyed when all letters in it have been found.

7. Continue playing until one player has all of their spaceships destroyed. The player with ships remaining is the winner.

Space Battleship

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