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How to use:


1. Students first choose 3 activities they did during summer vacation.

2. Students then guess which were the 3 most popular activities in their class. Writing 1, 2 and 3 in the ~ 位 box.

3. Next students interview as many classmates as possible. Make a pair and play janken. Winner asks 'What did you do during summer vacation?' The partner lists the 3 activities they chose. The winner makes a tally in the 人数 box. Then change roles.

4. When the time is finished, the teacher should check to see what the 3 most popular activities were and see if any students guessed correctly.

5. On the back side of the paper, students then write 3 sentences about their summer vacation.

6. Next make a pair and present to a classmate. However this time their partner must ask follow up questions based on what was said. For example, if the student said 'I went to a summer festival.' Their partner could ask them 'What did you eat there?' or 'Who did you go with?', etc. Then change roles.

Summer Vacation Review - Junior High School

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