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How to play:


1. Make a pair and play janken. The winner chooses one of the 9 character options at the bottom of the page.

2. Their partner first asks 'Are you a boy, girl or group?' The winner replies with the answer that matches the character they chose. For example, 'I'm a boy.'

3. The partner then asks 'Does (he) like (playing soccer?)' If the character chosen has a sports picture that matches the question, answer 'Yes, (he) does.' If not answer 'No, (he) doesn't.' Continue asking questions until the partner is sure they know who the winner chose.

4. Then ask 'Are you (Ken)?' If they guessed correctly say 'Yes, I am.' Or if not say 'No, I'm not.' and guess again.

5. Then change roles.

Unit 6.3 - Guess Who

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