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This is a higher level speaking activity using grammar from 'Smart English' textbooks.


How to use:


1. There are 6 different worksheets. Each with a different item already in the living room illustration. The goal is to talk to other students and find the other missing items.

2. Make a pair and play janken. The winner asks 'What's the matter?' The partner says 'I can't find my (soccer ball).'

3. If the winner knows where that item is then say 'It's (under the table).' Their partner then draws a simple picture of the item in the living room, under the table.

4. If they don't know where it is, say 'I don't know.' Then ask about a different item until they can say where it is.

5. As students talk to more students they will be able to help each other find more and more items.

6. When the time is finished talk to students to show where all the missing items are. 

What's the matter? Missing Items

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