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Contains 32 cards (countries, prefectures in Japan, and the moon)


There is 1 card 'Hirata'. Sorry this is from the place I originally worked. If student's ask what is it, tell them it's a beautiful village in Fukushima!


How to play:


1. Give students 1 card each. Check that they can read what's on the card.

2. Make a pair and play janken. The winner asks 'Where are you from?' The partner reads their card 'I'm from (Korea).' Then change roles. When the pair have finished exchange cards too.

3. At the end of the activity the students who have the card that matches where they are from, for example, Japan, get a sticker. If there are other matches then they get a sticker too. The student who has the moon card is also a winner.

Where are you from? Card Game

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