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There are 4 different worksheets. Each with 2 different objects visible in the picture.


The purpose of this activity is to practice using - on / in / under / by


How to play:


1. Students should check to see what of the 8 objects they can see in the picture on their worksheet. They must talk to their classmates to find out where the remaining 6 objects are.

2. The teacher should practice how to say the various kitchen objects seen in the picture. English and Japanese meanings  are on the worksheet.

3. Students should make a pair and play janken. The winner asks 'Where is my _______?' Their partner either responds with the answer 'It's (on/in/under/by) the __________.' or 'Sorry, I don't know.' If the students say the location of the object then the winner should draw the object in the kitchen picture. Then change roles.

4. Students should continue asking their classmates until they know the location of all the objects.

5. The teacher should check the answers with the students.

6. Lastly, the students should write 3 sentences describing 3 objects from the speaking activity. Using the example as a guide 'The clock is on the wall.'

Unit 5.1 - Where is my frying pan?

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