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②ペアになって、ジャンケンをします。勝った方は質問を選んで、相手が好きだと思うイラストの下に○を書きます。そして、'Which do you like, ____, ____ or ____?' と質問します。相手は 'I like _____'と答えます。
⑤4人の生徒に4つの質問をしたら、その点数を合計して 'Score'の欄に書きます。

How to use:

1. Students try to guess which of the 3 options their friend likes. Students should talk to a different classmate for each question.
2. Students make pairs and play janken. The winner chooses a question and guesses which option their partner likes, by writing ○ under the illustration. They ask the question 'Which do you like, ______, ______ or _____?' Their partner responds with 'I like ____.'
3. If the student guessed correctly then they write 1 in the point column. If they were wrong, they write ○ under the correct illustration and write 0 in the point column.
4. Change roles. It's ok to choose a different question.
5. When students have asked the 4 questions to 4 different students, then they should add up their score and write it in the 'Score' box.
6. The teacher should check to see which students go the highest score.

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